From the Ada Connection 2011 talks, Dewi Daniels from Verocel gives an overview of DO-178C/ED-12C
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From the Ada Connection 2011 talks, Dewi Daniels from Verocel gives an overview of DO-178C/ED-12C
From the Ada Connection 2011 talks, Frederic Pinot from Ansaldo STS talks about his experiences developing real-time systems for high-speed rail.
From the Ada Connection 2011 talks, Jean-Charles Dalbin from Airbus talks about Ada based Automatic Code Generation Tools in DO178B context.
From a talk given at the SPARK User Group 2010 High Assurance Software Symposium, Rod Chapman from Altan Praxis talks about the guiding principles behind PSP (Personal Software Process) and TSP (Team Software Process).
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2010 High Assurance Software Symposium »
A presentation by Yannick Moy, Senior Engineer, AdaCore, at a recent talk at IRILL Days 2010. Video courtesy of IRILL (
Rustan Leino, a researcher at Microsoft Research, has started creating a set of videos where he both teaches and demoes how to do code verification with the tools developed at Microsoft Research. This shows how to overcome the difficulties than someone may encounter with every code verification tool, except the GUI is amazingly intuitive (verification in the background while typing, very precise error messages).
No only that, but Rustan also sings and dances… really enjoyable!
The next talk in our series from the recent Open-DO Conference is from Hervé Delseny, an expert in Avionics Software Aspects of Certification at Airbus. In his talk he gives examples of Airbus’ use of Formal Methods to verify avionics software, and summarises the integration of Formal Methods in the upcoming ED-12/DO-178 issue C.
You can also view the presentation slides if you want to follow along.