- French open-source project aims to meet DO-178C [Embedded news]
- Formal verification ticks Ada and C for DO-178C [Electronics Weekly]
- Hi-Lite project to promote formal methods for high integrity software [Embedded Control Europe]
- Le projet Hi-Lite veut imposer la validation formelle pour les sytèmes critiques [Clubic]
- Applications critiques embarquées : chercheurs et industriels s’associent autour du projet Hi-Lite [Mesures]
- Un consortium autour des méthodes formelles pour les logiciels fortement intégrés [Industries et Technologies]
- 2012-02-03: Presentation of the combination of tests and proofs at ERTS 2012 conference (Yannick Moy)
- 2012-02-03: Presentation of the combination of tests and proofs at TPCert 2011 (Yannick Moy)
- 2012-02-03: Presentation of Hi-Lite at SSS 2011 (Robert Dewar)
- 2011-08-01: Presentation of translation from Ada to Why in Hi-Lite at Boogie workshop (Johannes Kanig)
- 2011-06-30: Presentation of Hi-Lite at Ada Deutschland workshop (Johannes Kanig)
- 2011-06-30: Presentation of formal containers in Hi-Lite at Test & Proof conference 2011 (Claire Dross)
- 2011-01-10: Presentation of Hi-Lite at Safety-critical Systems Symposium 2011 (Robert Dewar)
- 2010-10-21: Hi-Lite and DO-178C at a workshop organized by Fraunhofer FIRST on Frama-C (Yannick Moy)
- 2010-10-05: Presentation of Hi-Lite at IRILL Days 2010 (Yannick Moy)